This article was originally published in German.
For years, an Austrian neo-Nazi rapper hid behind a pseudonym: Mr. Bond was an anonymous star of the extreme right online world who re-recorded well known pop hits with explicit, misanthropic lyrics. A kind of “Weird Al” Yankovic of the neo-Nazi scene, he dedicated a song to the Christchurch killer and in turn inspired the Halle shooter (see Belltower.News). In other songs, he celebrated the mass extermination of Jews under National Socialism. On 20 January 2021, Mr. Bond was arrested and he has remained in pretrial detention in Vienna since. Now his identity has been made public: Philip Josef H., born 1984, an unemployed man from Lienz in East Tyrol, Austria who lived in Vienna from 2013 to 2018. When he was arrested, he was living with his parents again in the town of Paternion in the Austrian state of Carinthia.
That information comes from the Vienna prosecutor’s indictment against Mr. Bond, which Belltower.News has in an English translation. Upon request, the Vienna prosecutor’s office confirmed that information such as file numbers were correct. Other details that Belltower.News verified also indicate that the indictment is authentic. The indictment is seemingly the version delivered to Philip H.’s lawyer on 19 October 2021. In response to an inquiry from Belltower.News, defence attorney Martin Mahrer said tersely: “I have been instructed not to answer any of your questions now or in the future.”
The indictment includes 76 examples of lines from songs, music videos, and artwork produced by Mr. Bond that contain Nazi symbols or glorify Hitler, National Socialism, or the mass extermination of Jews. Philip H. is also accused of translating the Christchurch murderer’s “manifesto”, titled “The Great Replacement”, into German and posting it online – a document of hate that calls for killing migrants and Jews. The prosecutor has also assessed messages and files that H. sent via email and that glorify Hitler or National Socialism.
In addition, Philip H. assiduously collected National Socialist books and propaganda materials at home: the prosecutor names 16 titles, including Hitler’s Table Talk and Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels’ From the Kaiserhof to the Reich Chancellery. Moreover, eight t-shirts with Nazi symbols, two black sun flags, and a German imperial war flag were also found – a brown smorgasbord of Nazi fan items.
Particularly alarming is the fact that Austria’s security service, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism, has concluded that Philip H. might have planned a terror attack himself, according to the indictment. They regard him as “particularly dangerous”.
It has long been known that Philip H. has inspired other right wing terrorists: Mr. Bond referred to the Christchurch killer, who murdered 51 people and injured 40 others in two New Zealand mosques in March 2019, as a “saint”. After the attack, H. wrote: “I love this man…picture 100 Brentons – all around the world”. He continued: “We also have to prepare so that we can strike out and do it very soon”. He later dedicated the track “Holding Out for a Tarrant”, inspired by Bonnie Tyler, to the attacker. The Halle murderer, who attempted to break into a synagogue on Yom Kippur in October 2019 while heavily armed and who killed two people, was listening to the Mr. Bond song “Powerlevel” during his attack. In court, the attacker said that the song was supposed to function as “a commentary on the act”.
Mr. Bond has self-released five albums online since 2016. His debut was titled “Mein Kampf Mixtape Vol. 1488” and featured 20 “parodies” of songs by artists like Jay Z (“88 Problems”), The Bloodhound Gang (“The Mosque is on Fire”), and The Scorpions (“Wind of Adolf”). The album cover shows Hitler wearing sunglasses and a gold chain with a swastika on it. Mr. Bond seeks to make hate crime “funny”. In contrast to like-minded far-right rock bands and Nazi rappers, he attempts to achieve his ends with jokes and references to memes and image board culture. Yet his lyrics are also extremely explicit: he sings and raps about murder fantasies directed at Jews, Black people, and gay people, as well as about gas chambers and race war.
The prosecutor argues that Mr. Bond made his living through his music. It was a lucrative business: as German state broadcaster Tagesschau reports, Philip H. received tens of thousands of Euros in just one Bitcoin wallet. However, true to the saying “follow the money”, his income proved to be his undoing: investigators were able to track Philip H. via PayPal.
Mr. Bond apparently owes the publication of his identity to a fan. After his arrest, his supporters networked on Telegram. They started a #FreeMrBond campaign and collected donations for his defence. The group’s website, run by US-based extreme right musician Teknein and Mr. Bond fan Shill-Killa Linney, describes H. as a “political prisoner of ZOG”, where “ZOG” stands for “Zionist occupied government”, an antisemitic conspiracy myth about an alleged Jewish-controlled world government.
A Bitcoin address, also managed by Teknein, collected 0.08104331 BTC – currently equivalent to approximately € 3,200 – from 67 donations. Following an internal dispute, Teknein switched to the cryptocurrency Monero, which is more anonymous and renders transfers publicly invisible. In his online store, Teknein also sells Mr. Bond fan items for $8.88 or $14.88, proceeds from which are also supposed to go to the imprisoned Philip H.
The Free Mr. Bond campaign not only sought to collect money, but also to make contact with Philip H. and his defence attorneys. Above all, Shill-Killa Linney proved to be particularly zealous in discovering Philip H.’s identity. According to the Austrian research platform Stoppt die Rechten (Stop the Right), she also wrote emails to convicted Holocaust deniers David Irving and Monika Schaefer asking for advice and support.
On 13 December 2021, after months of amateur detective work, Teknein and Shill-Killa Linney wrote on the campaign website that they were in contact with Philip H. and had exchanged letters with him. Together with H.’s defence attorney Martin Mahrer, they had decided to publish the indictment and apparently translate it into English. In doing so, they wanted to convince other potential supporters that they really were in contact with Philip H. – and encourage them to make donations. Teknein and Shill-Killa Linney commented on the publication, writing: “The information in this ‘statement’ should lay to rest any doubts you may have had”. Defence attorney Mahrer did not want to provide Belltower.News with comment about this topic either.
However, not all fans are pleased with this approach. “Linney should not have doxd him”, wrote paxisback in an email to webmaster Teknein. “I should not know his name was Philip”. He announced that he would get the Bitcoin address added to a blacklist in order to impede further donations to Mr. Bond. Teknein subsequently changed the defence fund to the cryptocurrency Monero – and published the email exchange with paxisback on the website. In addition, following an article from Stoppt die Rechten, the Telegram channel “Free Bond News” has also been deleted and the Telegram group “Free Bond”, which had about 200 members, has been set to private.
Philip H. is potentially facing many years in prison. Specifically, he is accused of “re-engagement in National Socialist activities” in violation of Austria’s 1947 Verbotsgesetz (Prohibition Act) – a serious charge in Austria that could easily apply to Mr. Bond’s work, which explicitly glorifies National Socialism. H. is also being investigated for copyright infringement. According to the indictment, Philip H. has thus far been uncooperative. It says that he has refused to respond to the charges.
In the meantime, Mr. Bond’s fans remain faithful to the neo-Nazi rapper. According to the indictment, Philip H. has received many fan letters since his arrest, including some from Canada. His address in Vienna’s Justizanstalt Josefstadt prison was shared on a Telegram channel. His music continues to be distributed via another Telegram channel with nearly 4,500 subscribers. There, H. is celebrated as a “political prisoner” who did nothing wrong. The channel admin writes: “Heil Bond”.
Translated by Joseph Keady.