Interview: “Islamism lives from the suffering of Palestinians”
On October 7th, 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, murdered over 1,200 people, raped women and kidnapped children and senior citizens…
Von|On October 7th, 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, murdered over 1,200 people, raped women and kidnapped children and senior citizens…
Von|Foto: Andi Weiland (CC BY-NC)
Belltower News is a journalistic platform focussing on far-right extremism, right-wing populism, as well as forms of prejudice, discrimination and hate, such as racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, antiziganism, homophobia and sexism. Unfortunately for our English-speaking readers, most of our articles are in German – but we're working on expanding our English-language content, especially when it comes to topics important within a European context. You can find a selection of our articles translated into English on this page.
Every day, we publish new analyses, interviews and articles, and also compile a daily review of the German press (only available in German). Our focus is on: far-right extremism, right-wing populism, symbols, codes and narratives, xenophobia, internet and hate speech, far-right lifestyle, tips and strategies, debate and commentary (texts in German).
At the moment, we're particularly interested in (and alarmed at) the Identitarian Movement, the so-called “New Right”, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), monitoring far-right activities on social media and on the internet, gender and the far-right, the far-right music scene, the connections between the far-right, hooligans and martial arts, and far-right terrorism.
If you want to get in touch with the editorial team, send us en email:
Follow our English-language account on Twitter: @Belltower_EN
www.belltower.news – Network for Digital Civil Society is a non-profit website founded and operated by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation. We are a Berlin-based NGO that works across Germany on combating right-wing extremism and right-wing populism, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, antiziganism and hatred against refugees. Our strategy is to support victims of far-right and racist violence, as well as build networks of committed people working to strenghten democracy und human rights. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation's goal is to reinforce a democratic civil society that promotes pluralism and human rights while opposing right-wing extremism, racism and antisemitism.
You can read more about the Amadeu Antonio Foundation here: https://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/en/